Coming soon: FLIP events

FLIP stands for Fun, Learn, Improve and Probe. These are the main ingredients for a great team event. PragmaticAll has facilitated many team events based on FLIP. While the actual energizers, workshops, serious games and team building exercises vary (we have a huge list to choose from), the format comes in 2 flavors:

  1. One main event for the whole team

  2. Several shorter sessions over 1-2 weeks, for those that are interested

Each flavor has pro’s and con’s. PragmaticAll can help you work out which one best fits your situation.



High performing teams doing knowledge work need trust. One part of building trust is by getting to know each other. Having fun together is a great way to do this, and it also helps build relationships which strengthen the team. PragmaticAll has a selection of activities in this category. Some are purely for fun, others combine fun with learning.


A FLIP event isn’t complete without a learning activity. All of our learning options are highly interactive and practical. Many result in knowledge or skills that can be immediately applied.


Want to improve your process? Let’s do a structured workshop! Want to improve communication, collaboration or insights into each other’s strengths and weaknesses? Let’s do a serious game with a great debrief.


Trying out new practices or habits can be scary. By trying it out in a safe environment, or by collaboratively designing an experiment, you can get over your fear more easily. In a probe activity we do exactly that! It could be trying out a new tool, doing a proof of concept, or designing an experiment to do next Sprint.